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Goodbye, Cohost
September 29, 2024
Blogging in an era of Social Media
Cohost was a truly weird experiment of a social media website in the best way.
It was filled to the brim with all sorts, ranging from researchers to
avant-garde artists. Its closure leaves a void which will be hard to fill.
I'm glad it existed; I'm grateful I experienced it. It's left me excited to
write more and share my thoughts with the world.
Demystifying the IO Monad for Rubyists
May 28, 2017
Haskell is pretty great, but learning about Haskell without appropriate
background knowledge tends to kinda suck. One of the most common stumbling
blocks I've observed while helping fellow rubyists learn Haskell tends to be
the relationship between monads (which seem rather simple) and performing I/O
(which, to someone who's just picking up Haskell, can seem easy in every
language but Haskell). Let's discover what problems monads help us solve and
how they fit together with I/O in Haskell---by exploring these concepts in